Shachindra’s last *#125days* and his thoughts

Today, through the #WallofGratitude we take a bow to Factory Heads like Shachindra Kumar in the #FMCG industry who along with their teams have been enabling production & supply of life-saving #hygiene products.

Our sincere #gratitude to #DeCoronaChamps like Shachindra and tens of thousands of #leaders in factories across the nation who have been holding their #teams, families and themselves together while supporting their organizations as they face the storms of uncertainty – day in and day out! Their efforts are indeed helping reduce the stress faced by #consumers and #communities and in breaking the chain of infection!

“In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” – Eric Hoffer.
Thank you @Shachindra for being a #behindthescenes champ and dealing smoothly with an ever-changing world!
A peek into Shachindra’s last 125 days and his thoughts.
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