Odisha Millet Mission: An Approach For Sustainable Agriculture & Healthy World

Leading to millet production one of the farmers named Mrs. Santilata Birua (48 yrs) is residing at Sankatapalia village of Hardagarh Gram Panchayat, Hatadihi block of Keonjhar District successfully Cultivating millet. In the year 2022-2023 kharif Millet production Mrs. Santilata Birua was motivated and showed her interest for the production of millet crop knowing the […]
Circular Bioeconomy Approach for Livelihood Generation: Phuldhudi VSS in Sundargarh shows the way

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This dictum shows us the importance of working in a group, working by involving community. This was once again proved by Phuldhudi Vana Surakshya Samiti (Forest Protection Committee) in Tribal dominated Sundargarh district of Odisha. Sundargarh is the land […]
Empowering girls — the Protsahan way

While on a film shoot in 2010, Protsahan founder Sonal Kapoor met a young woman who had six daughters and was pregnant with her 7th child. On being asked about her circumstances, the woman narrated in a matter-of-fact way that she was ready to strangle her newborn if it was a girl once again. She […]
Prasanna Trust’s mission is to work towards the betterment of the poor and marginalized sections of our society

Guided by ancient wisdom in Hindu and global philosophies and under the aegis of Swamiji Sukhbodhananda, the mission of the Prasanna Trust is to work towards the betterment of the poor and marginalized sections of our society. The Prasanna Trust is a registered public charitable trust founded by Swamiji Sukhabodhananda in 1982. The Prasanna Trust […]
Winning hearts with algae-based biodegradable leather

The bio-leather, created in 2020 from a mix of algae and organic waste, is an attempt to reduce “white pollution” — the plastic trash left behind in the water — as well as the impacts of the leather tanning industry. It mimics animal leather only in appearance, but the creator claims it is cruelty-free, waterproof, […]
IIM dropout helps more than 1000 women in Bihar to grow their businesses

Years back, Manjari Sharma spent 15 days in the remote villages of Bihar as part of volunteer work. It was then that she witnessed the skills of the women there. Apart from managing all the household chores, they found time to start a small-scale food business of pickles, papads, chutneys and more. Manjari, an IIM graduate and […]
Greenpeace India: power the pedal

In a bid to empower women from low-income groups, Greenpeace India has delivered bicycles to over 450 women laborers in Delhi and Bengaluru as part of the ‘power the pedal’ campaign. Focusing on the issue of gender equality in mobility, the campaign aims to create a community of 5,000 cyclists of female domestic labourers, who […]
Route to Equality
Even as the first lot of 50 electric auto rickshaws is set to be deployed for the first time on Delhi Metro’s feeder routes, 300 women drivers are being trained to get behind the wheels. The initiative of ETO Motors aims to create sustainable income and enhancement opportunities for 300 women earners in Delhi. The women […]