Heroes of Covid era in Uttrakhand

Heroes- born to inspire common man like us. The shine of gem can’t hide for long as the qualities it behold comes out one day or the other. One such gem, one such hero whose story shouldn’t hide from us and who doesn’t like to beat his own trumpet, as action speaks louder than words is Mr Deepak Balutia, Son of Mr NC Balutia Founder of Inspiration Public School Kathgodam. This Pandemic has been a testing time for all of us.

However, some have faced more difficulties than the rest of us. These include the elderly, daily wagers, low-income families, whose livelihood has been highly affected during lock down as the source of earning has impacted directly. Many have faced a shortage of food supplies and many have gone through the anxiety of staying away from their loved ones. Volunteer such as Deepak Balutia Ji, who is not only distributing rations to such people during lockdown but also providing sources like masks, sanitizers and various other things as to how can they maintain social distancing, we call him the true lockdown hero. The walk towards help isn’t easy and not a piece of cake, while the risk of his life is constantly there, he thought of supporting others, such selfless human.

The gesture is truly appreciable and doesn’t need any cheese to fill the platter and make it more crispy. He is the man of lesser words as the personality explains , a simple looking yet the aura that can’t be hidden as it is apparent to everyone. More than 2000 families have received free rations, masks and sanitizers from him and the work hasn’t stopped yet, the journey is ongoing and never ending. Deepak Balutia is an inspiration, a role model and a true leader inspiring us with his work that needs silent applaud from home and sound is directly reaching the hearts. While touching many lives affected during lockdown, he is continually making sincere effort that, we all should come forward and help the needy in whatever way we can, even if not in a larger scale, every help is appreciated.

He is an exemplary and a hero, a true inspiration and a messiah to the needy. May God keep blessing him with good health and shower his love on him.

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