Happy, Healthy, Successful and Secure Children: Parenting Program

With endless exposure of media, drugs, substance; never-ending cases of peer pressure, bullying; and increasing cases of depression and suicidal thoughts found among young children, it seems like a very scary time and space to be living in. Parents sometimes find themselves lost -not being able to understand their children or their choices. Concerns such as screen addiction, unhealthy food habits, irresponsibility, throwing tantrums etc. are very commonly faced by parents today be their child of any age, or coming from any socio-economic, cultural or geographical background.  

Parenting is not about techniques; it is about understanding children and guiding them accordingly towards their journey of becoming a responsible adult. Often rather than guiding, parents tend to rule their lives. In their zeal to protect their children, they unknowingly harm them.

Parwarish institute of Parenting was set-up in 2008 with the ideology that each and every child is born with unlimited potential.
Our flagship program- the NO-LIMIT CHILD PROGRAM (NLCP) is a specially designed and researched workshop for Parents, focusing on day to day nurturing of the NO-LIMITNESS of the child. Our principles and methodologies have been successful with parents across the globe, and in turn proves that the basic principles of Child Development cut across geographical and cultural boundaries. We have gained our success in the field of parenting by following our philosophy based on the Parwarish Child Development Model (PCDM), which was formulated after almost a decade of first hand research. 

The course is panned over 2 months of rigorous training, with the parents coming in for one on one workshops over 1 weekend followed by a month of coaching calls, to make sure that the distinctions given to the parents are actually implemented on ground.  This is then followed by another weekend of one on one session, and a month of coaching calls. 
Some of the topics covered in NLCP are as follows: 
  • World of an adolescent.
  • Role of Parenting
  • Believe! Nurture your child’s self-esteem
  • Making children responsible for themselves
  • Altering the Context of studies
  • Joy in Studies.
  • Overcoming Failures
  • Give your child a stress-free environment.
  • Body science / Sexuality education.
We have also worked towards nurturing the NO-LIMITNESS of children with special needs such as learning disabilities, ADHD, OCD etc. and have witnessed exceptional results where children have been able to overcome their barriers.

We have been able to reach out to over 10,000 parents and have seen exceptional results in our decade long work-experience! 

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