Wall of Gratitude Salutes DeCoronaChamps like Gaurang Rathi, IAS

On the occasion of our Independence Day, through theWall of Gratitude“, we salute leaders like Gaurang Rathi, IAS, (Municipal Commissioner – Varanasi, CEO – Varanasi Smart City, CEO – Kashi Vishwanath Trust) and all those in the CivilServices who have been navigating our villages, towns and cities through Covid19.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Mahatma Gandhi
In a world confined to its own worries, it is leaders like Gaurang and teams that they lead who have constantly reminded us that service indeed knows no boundaries.

Our sincere gratitude to you, Gaurang Rathi and your fraternity for being our #DeCoronaChamps. Leaders like you elicit hope and faith that we shall overcome these clouds and sunny days will soon be a reality!

The video is a peek into Gaurang Rathi’s past 125 days, based on research by the SetuWorks team.

About the Wall of Gratitude – 

Rewind – On 2nd April, we initiated the “Wall of Gratitude” to thank the silent champions of Covid19. They are catalysts to the efforts of the frontline warriors as they help us navigate through these times. Each of them, from different domains ranging from IT, Education, Social Sector, Health, Waste Management, FMCG, etc. represent thousands of leaders and role holders like them. These ‘behind the scene’ rockstars or as we call them #MyDeCoronaChamps are so purpose driven & rooted that they do not even consider they are doing anything special. The tribute was a surprise to them as well!

7th Aug 2020 onwards – On completing 125 days, we felt it is an opportune time to reconnect with our champs and share a glimpse of their lives and their thoughts as they busied themselves in taking care of all matters, professional and personal. 
We hope it also fills you with gratitude and you find ways to show it to many more #DeCoronaChamps around you.

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