Two brothers become saviors for many financially weak students to achieve their dreams

Abdul Ahad Ashraf and Abdul Muneer Mushhad vowed to keep his spirits alive by serving the poor in whichever way they can.

“Society always helps us directly or indirectly with achieving our goals in life. It shapes us to be a better person and stays with us throughout our journeys. So, post retirement, I decided to give back to the society to the best of my capacity and also to take forward the legacy of my late brother Abdul Raqueeb, a lawyer and a social activist,” ASK Foundation Chairman Ashraf expressed.

Established in 2020 and named after their parents, Abdul Sattar and Khairunnisa, ASK runs without any donations. While Ashraf (60) is a retired BSNL employee, his 56-year-old brother, Mushhad is an investor relations manager with LIC.

Recently, a child welfare community from Telangana approached them seeking financial help for the education of an orphan girl. “These are the kind of calls we look forward to. Irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region, we want to serve children in need,” Ashraf added.

The Foundation helps financially weak students and school drop-outs to pursue further education, provide medical relief to the poor, arrange shelters and assist the downtrodden, particularly people from below poverty line (BPL). They also help the poor set up small units to improve their livelihood and extend free legal aid.

“Our main priority is to provide quality education to children from poor financial backgrounds. We do not sponsor their school fees. Rather, we take up free tuition classes at our office every day for these children. A retired B.Ed teacher teaches the children,” secretary of the Foundation, Mushhad explained.

ASK even conducts awareness programmes on legal services for more than 4,000 people in collaboration with the District Legal Services Authority. The foundation provides free medical services every Saturday from 2 pm to 4 pm based on the availability and requirements. “Professional doctors from across the city conduct medical camps. We do not compromise on the quality of our services. Irrespective of the service we provide, we make sure it helps the poor,” Mushhad said.

Every Monday, campaigns offering free legal services are conducted from 10 am to 1 pm, while career guidance counselling for students is held from 2 pm to 4 pm. The brothers firmly believe that everything they are blessed with has a purpose and their purpose is to share at least a small amount of what they have to keep up the spirit of humanity.

The story has been extracted from:

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