Free assistance for children with cancer

Four friends of Lourdes helped her set up the trust. The trust was born on 4 June 2018. This motivational story is of Sabrcare and its team. The team of Sabrcare trustees comprises five people – Namrata Desai, Roma Dias, Steffie Antao, Lourdes Soares, and Dr. Anupama Mukherjee. The friends had witnessed people close to them go through the journey of cancer. The group of friends decided to change to work on cancer care in India to support the cancer patients to get through this tough problem in life.

Lourdes interviewed over 200 people with cancer to understand their journey and problems. The interviews helped her to find 15 ways through which Sabrcare can assist and help cancer patients. Many families leave Cancer treatment in between because of financial pressure and the unavailability of resources. The public cancer care centers host thousands of patients and waiting can be stressful for the patients.

Sabrcare focuses on children with cancer and their families. Lourdes believes children suffer the most because of the loopholes in the cancer care system in India. Children also miss their childhood, and the experience proves to be frightening for them.

The organization also has actively organized blood donation camps for helping children in need of blood. Sabrcare also works on a gift drive on different occasions. Children with cancer on different occasions receive gifts collected by Sabrcare through donations.

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